Is it worth taking supplements with lecithin

  • By Frank Marquardt
  • December 22, 2017
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Lecithin is one of the key compounds in the human economy. Its deficiencies are the cause of many diseases, memory deterioration and accelerated aging. No wonder that the real hit on the pharmaceutical market have become supplements with lecithin, widely advertised in the leading media. But do we really need to resort to such measures? The answer can be found in our guide.

What do we need lecithin for?

Lecithin is primarily involved in the building of human cells and brain tissue. It has a huge impact on the smooth functioning of the nervous system, supports memory and concentration. Lecithin improves liver function, protects stomach walls, enables absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, delays ageing processes, accelerates metabolism and increases overall efficiency of the body. It is also important to maintain the correct cholesterol level in the blood.

The correct level of lecithin in the body is particularly important for people suffering from liver disease (especially steatosis and fibrosis of this organ), suffering from maniacal-depressive disorders, bipolar disease, having problems with concentration and memory, as well as fighting with the so-called bad cholesterol.

Before taking lecithin supplements

Lecithin is a very important component of the diet, but it can be supplemented in a completely natural way. Its sources can be found in almost every kitchen without any problems. First of all, lecithins supply hen egg yolks, liver, beans and soya. It is also rich in sunflower seeds, unrefined rapeseed oil, nuts, fish, dairy products, green vegetables, olives and avocados.

It is worth knowing that lecithin is also commonly added to many foods, including bread and chocolate. Dieticians emphasize that already eating 300 g of good quality bread will satisfy 100% of the daily demand for lecithin in an adult person.

So is there a need for supplementation?

Sometimes it is advisable to supplement lecithin – this applies, for example, to people who, due to a specific diet (e.g. reduction diet), cannot consume products rich in this compound. The supplementation is also recommended for people suffering from various diseases, especially from a nervous background.

However, choosing a supplement yourself is a bad idea, as it can easily lead to overdosing of lutein (which is also harmful). Always consult your doctor who will prescribe the appropriate medication. There is a huge selection of lutein supplements in pharmacies, and many products are of poor quality and provide this compound at too low a dose.

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