10 tasks to be performed before holiday leave

  • By Frank Marquardt
  • May 6, 2018
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The view of holidaymakers with laptops, working at the airport, in the hotel or even on the beach is not so rare. What should be done not to share their holiday fate? This is the recipe in ten steps.

We did not plan work well enough before we left and did not leave any guidelines for our deputy;

the boss requires us to do this;

we ourselves have a problem to cut ourselves off from everyday work in the company.

1. time to start preparing

2. interviewing your manager

If you want to have a peaceful rest, it is worth discussing with your boss who you should hand over the duties, documents and matters to be taken care of while you are away.

3. introduction of a person from a job as a replacement

4. anticipating customers and colleagues

5 Timetable and division of tasks

6 New orders after holidays

(7) Setting the autoresponder

8. operating instructions

9. preparing the computer for use at work

10. desktop cleaning

Let’s clean your desk a day or two before your holiday. Practical issues speak for it – a colleague who replaces us more easily finds everything, but also aesthetic – a well-ordered desk positively testifies to us.

There are several reasons why some of us take a job on holiday. Most often it is a fact that: Every barrier, with a bit of good organization and will, is possible to overcome. This is what you need to do to prepare for a holiday without a phone or laptop, and planning your work is essential. If you want to settle accounts with the most important projects, it is best to start preparations for your trip 2-3 weeks before your holiday. If we leave most of the issues at the last minute, we are more likely not to make progress. The bosses often fear that the absence of the employee will have a negative impact on the rhythm of work throughout the company. Therefore, if you want to have a peaceful rest, it is worth discussing with your boss who you should hand over the duties, documents and matters to be taken care of while you are away. An employer who ensures that a team is in control of a situation in which one person is absent should not interfere with the peace of mind during the leave. This means that the person who replaces us during the holidays will only take care of what is necessary. Our task is to make it easier for her to do so. We should make sure that our deputy has access to the documents, files and contact details necessary for his work. There is no single answer to the question of how long to notify important customers or business partners before a holiday. People with whom we often work may need this knowledge a few weeks earlier. Those with whom we work sporadically, it is enough to give a few days’ notice before leaving. What is certain is that we should do this. The longer the leave, the more important the work schedule is. The tasks have to be divided into very urgent and current ones (we have to close them before leaving) and less important ones (they may wait to be implemented). Detailed scheduling of tasks for every day to be taken on holiday will allow us to close everything according to plan and not forget anything important. For company heads always have something to do, and when a new order comes up, they cannot refuse. If you want to rest, you should break this rule and try to postpone your order after your vacation. You should inform us in the e-mail how long you will be on holiday and who will replace you. It is necessary to enter the e-mail address of a contact person or a mobile phone. In some companies, during their absence, employees leave their co-workers access to an e-mail box. However, this is less popular and we should send an e-mail to our deputy before departure, summarizing all the information, data and guidelines. The email should also be sent to your supervisor and another team member. In this way, we can protect ourselves from the phone in a situation where our deputy will become ill and the boss will urgently look for a phone number to his business partner. if during our absence, someone will use our company’s computer, it is worth deleting the unnecessary files contained in it and emptying the recycle bin. It is also worth remembering to log out of your private Facebook account. Sometimes we keep private photos on such a computer (e.g. on our desktop). It is worth considering whether this is a good idea. Perhaps preurple cleaning is a prelude to changing habits, and when we do these ten steps, we can go on holiday with a clear conscience. Remember that rest is the time to charge the battery. It is necessary and worthwhile to do so.

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